Released on: October 25, 2008, 10:36 am
Press Release Author: Harsha Kiran
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Fitness Limited, an online store that sells exercise equipment, provides fitness equipment from low intensity fitness equipment to high intensity fitness equipment with the most affordable prices. These equipments are designed for those seeking to improve their physical appearance and to lose weight. Fitness Limited constantly updates their store with new high in quality products.
Press Release Body:
If you ever thought about getting serious with fighting excessive weight and would like to tone up, then head up to Fitness Limited equipment store. Fitness Limited is a exercise equipment store that sells Aerobic Accessories, Elliptical Machines, Fitness Balls, Mini Trampolines, Stationary, Bikes, Steppers, Strength Training accessories, Weights & Dumbbells and more Fitness Equipment to help you in your mission to lose weight and get trimmer and toner.
At Fitness Limited(http://www.fitnesslimited.net), you can find almost any type of exercise equipment with the highest quality and a price that is reasonable. Fitness Limited is dedicated in providing exercise and sport enthusiast its highest quality range of products to help their customers into getting that real strength that comes with staying fit and healthy.
When browsing their website, you will notice that Fitness Limited prides itself in updating its extensive list of exercise equipment time and again through its new arrivals section. Fitness Limited also gives out special offers to their customers for their range of fitness equipment that can be bought at special rates that guarantees quality but with a lesser price. Visitors can also browse through their fitness equipment collection by going through it in alphabetical order in case the correct term for the particular exercise equipment is not known. Each exercise equipment comes with appropriate images so that visitors know what the products that they purchase would look like.
Fitness Limited also provides 24 hour customer service support should you have any questions or require more information regarding their products. With more and more people being aware of the importance of exercising, the demand for fitness equipment is on the rise. The Presidents Council on Physical Fitness has advised those who have not been exercising regularly to begin moderately and to gradually increase the amount and intensity of the activity. With the products from Fitness Limited, new users can start their work out using low resistance and low intensity exercise equipment first and then gradually increasing their workout momentum with higher intensity equipment. Through the 24 hour customer support, users can also get advice and tips on using the fitness equipments bought from the store.
Web Site: http://www.fitnesslimited.net
Contact Details: Contact harsha kiran owner of fitness limited you can email to sales@fitneslimited.net contact ph.no. 919985846025
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